About Us

Loft Conversions Company is one of London's leading Loft Conversion Specialists, aiming to make every loft conversion project easy and hassle-free. We started as a family-run business in the 1990s before re-branding as Loft Conversions Company. Our business has gone from strength to strength thanks to the positive word of mouth our work brought about. 

We now have over 20 years of experience and have completed over 400 projects across London and the home counties. Our reputation for attention to detail and personal, genuine service means that our loft conversions are in demand, and we continue to grow and improve our business. We prefer to train our own apprentices and mentor our younger contractors, who work alongside highly experienced qualified professionals whilst learning and qualifying.

We have a dedicated team of 20-plus highly skilled staff. Over the years We have come to know some of the best carpenters and members of the trade, which we are proud to say are members of LCC team. Many of our staff have been with us from the beginning. We all strive to maintain our reputation to produce high-end conversions.