Loft Conversion Beckton

Loft Conversion Beckton

Beckton Loft Conversion Specialists

Loft Conversions Company manages every aspect of loft conversion from drawing architectural plans right through to completion of all finishing trades, leaving the completed Loft Conversion ready for decoration. As Beckton's leading Loft Conversion specialist, we have been transforming homes for over two decades building hundreds of fantastic living spaces to suit your lifestyle and needs. With us, you will get a cost-effective Loft Conversion that will add value to your property in Beckton.


A loft conversion is a type of home expansion that utilizes the unused space in your attic area. With a loft conversion, you’ll be extending upwards so you don’t have to worry about the area in your garden or driveway. As you convert your loft, you’ll be given the chance to redesign an old space and transform it into a charming nook like a bedroom, a library, or an office. We at Loft Conversions Company can provide you with the loft you need as we already have decades of experience in the industry. You can acquire our services by contacting us today!


Not all lofts can be converted, and you must confirm the area you want to convert to if it’s suitable for the transformation. You need to check if the available head height in your attic measures at least 2.2 meters. By getting this measurement, you will be assured of a comfortable loft with less construction required. You also need to confirm if the pitch of your roof is 30 degrees or more, having lower than that will mean a lower head height in the center of the loft space.


The cost that you need to spend for this type of project depends on the type of loft conversion you’ll get, the materials that will be used, and the labor charge of the builders you will hire for the expansion. Typically, a simple loft conversion which is an internal loft can cost around £25,000 to £40,000, while the fanciest type which is a mansard loft will have you spending £70,000 to £95,000. The most common type of loft conversion which is a dormer usually begins at £40,000 and can balloon up to £65,000. Rest assured that if you allow our builders and tradesmen to build the loft of your dreams, no amount of money will be put to waste.


Acquisition of planning permission is not entirely necessary if you’re only getting an internal loft conversion since the construction work involved usually falls under the permitted development rights. Now, if you’ll be going for another type of loft, you need to check with us if this permit will be necessary for the process as the failure of having this in hand may lead to a fine or imprisonment. Some factors that will play in the requirement of planning permission include the place where your house is situated, if you live in a conservation area, planning permission is needed before a loft conversion begins on your property in Beckton. Moreover, if the building plan is quite complex and will create a massive alteration in your house, planning permission will be required. You can easily ask our consultants regarding the process of securing planning permission so this can be the least of your worries.



Deciding to get a loft conversion doesn’t end with letting us know the design you want for the room, you must also distinguish the type you like since this will mainly determine all the work. An internal loft conversion is the simplest type of loft conversion you can get as the building work only includes the installation of skylight windows and insulators. A dormer loft best fits houses with sloped roofs as the transformation in the room features the development of a box-like structure on the existing roofline. Mansard lofts can be acquired by those who have been planning to get a loft conversion for the longest time as they have already prepared themselves about its cost and length of completion. If you live in a semi-detached or terraced house, a hip-to-gable loft is the most ideal option for you since it will utilize your hipped roof and rebuild it into a vertical gable wall to provide you with an ample amount of floor area and headspace


The average cost of a Loft Conversion in Beckton is between £40,000 to £90,000. (in 2022) The most common type of Loft Conversion is the dormer as it adds the most space and best light to your property. A loft conversion will not only give you extra space but also enhance your living space on your property. A loft conversion price depends on many factors such as type of the conversion, type of the roof you have, type of the lighting you want in the loft, the type of windows required, the size of the project, fixtures and fittings, nature of the exterior, client's personal requirements and the site's location. If you want to know the exact cost of your Loft Conversion in Beckton, you will need to book a site survey or send us your drawings and our loft specialist will review them and get back to you with a quotation.

What can we do for your Property in Beckton?

If you would like to discuss the ways in which a Loft Conversion could enhance your Beckton home, call us on 0208 1020 675 or email to ask us any questions.