Loft Conversion Chadwell St Mary

Loft Conversion Chadwell St Mary



Yes, Chadwell St Mary loft conversions can affect your neighbours. A Chadwell St Mary loft conversion can cause issues with noise, dust, and other factors that will affect your neighbours. The most common issues are related to noise and air quality. Noise is an issue because it can be difficult to contain sound from a loft conversion project. Banging on the roof or drilling through it can cause a lot of noise, which can be heard in neighbouring houses.


1. Insulate the walls and ceiling with an insulation board or batts and insulate any floorboards that are below the level of the new floor.

3. Install a draught excluder over your window frames, as well as the seal around them with foam tape or mastic. This will prevent cold air from blowing in through cracks in your windows, which will help reduce your heating bills.

4. Install new double glazing throughout your home, replacing single-glazed windows with ones that have two panes of glass separated by an air gap (known as double glazing). This reduces heat loss through cracks around the window frames by approximately 70%. It also helps keep noise out from outside so you can enjoy peace and quiet at night!



A Loft Conversion begins with Site Surveys. This is done by our architects and inspectors at Loft Conversions Company, where we assess if our home is suitable for a Loft Conversion by checking beams and support, taking measurements, and seeing if there are any hurdles that may slow down the Loft Conversion process. Common examples of these are chimneys and water tanks built on the roof of your home. If any Planning Permits are required, Loft Conversions Company will be more than pleased to help you secure them from your local authority.


At Loft Conversions Company, it is also part of the Loft Conversion process to Plan and Design loft layouts with our clients. We create feasible designs that fit the proportions of lofts to make them feel spacious rather than crowded. During this phase, our clients will also get a rough estimate of costs and budgeting for the materials and features of your loft. Once a final layout is approved, Construction will begin. It will involve tearing down walls and creating new partitions for your loft, adding insulation, ventilation, tiles, backboards, and such to solidify your loft’s structure. Moving forward, tiles, electrical wiring, and water pipes will be adjusted to allow them to flow through your loft. This makes your loft more functional and practical. Other additions to your loft are also the installation of skylights, a door, and a staircase.


Lighting will be an essential part of your loft! Aside from natural sunlight from windows and skylights, your loft will have lighting fixtures installed. You may opt to have ambient lighting in cool or warm tones, and layer it with accent lighting like wall sconces or lamps.


The average cost of a Loft Conversion in Chadwell St Mary is between £40,000 to £90,000. (in 2022) The most common type of Loft Conversion is the dormer as it adds the most space and best light to your property. A loft conversion will not only give you extra space but also enhance your living space on your property. A loft conversion price depends on many factors such as type of the conversion, type of the roof you have, type of the lighting you want in the loft, the type of windows required, the size of the project, fixtures and fittings, nature of the exterior, client's personal requirements and the site's location. If you want to know the exact cost of your Loft Conversion in Chadwell St Mary, you will need to book a site survey or send us your drawings and our loft specialist will review them and get back to you with a quotation.

What can we do for your Property in Chadwell St Mary?

If you would like to discuss the ways in which a Loft Conversion could enhance your Chadwell St Mary home, call us on 0208 1020 675 or email to ask us any questions. For a free site survey and design consultation please fill out the form on the right and our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.