Loft Conversion Wivenhoe

Loft Conversion Wivenhoe

Benefits of Loft Conversion in Wivenhoe

A loft conversion is the best way to create extra space in your Wivenhoe home. By building a Wivenhoe loft conversion, you can make use of under-used space in your attic, and create an extra bedroom or living room. Wivenhoe loft conversions are also much cheaper than adding on to your house by building an extension. Here are some of the benefits of loft conversion: -You'll have more storage space than ever before. -You will have more room to relax and unwind. -You can create a new bedroom or study space which will give you more privacy.


Yes! If you're converting your Wivenhoe loft to a bedroom, it's important to get an agreement in place before you start the work. A party wall is any wall that separates two properties, and a party wall agreement will protect both parties interests. This is especially important if you're going to be adding any work that could affect the structural integrity of the property next door (like adding another floor). If you don't have an agreement in place, your neighbor could sue you for any damage done during construction or afterward. And if they don't want to agree with what's written in the agreement, they can refuse access to their property and slow down construction time significantly.



Your loft is not immune to potential dangers that can happen to your home! It is important to take into consideration safety features and standards to adhere to your loft. Loft Conversions Company creates lofts in Wivenhoe that meet these standards and we advise our clients on these factors.

Fire Hazards

First is the potential fire hazard in your loft. It is important that your loft’s temperature is regulated properly and this is done through proper loft insulation. At Loft Conversions Company, we take the extra step to install roof and floor insulation to regulate the temperature in your loft. This prevents your loft from trapping too much heat, especially during warmer seasons. Another plus for insulation is that it will, in turn, keep you warm during winter! It is also advisable to have fire extinguishers placed in your loft for safety.

Hazards During Construction

While your loft is being constructed, there is no need to move out or relocate! However, for homeowners with elderly or toddlers, it is important to have additional safety measures. As our construction team at Loft Conversions Company will carry out our work carefully, we ask kindly our clients to also take into consideration the possibility of dust and debris during the construction of your loft. But it is our promise as well to clean up after ourselves to minimize dirt and dust during your Loft Conversion!

Exit/Entry Points

Your loft will be built to be accessible to your already existing home. With this, additional doors, windows, and a staircase will be added. Some homeowners in Wivenhoe even opt to have a roof light or Juliet Balcony installed for more character. It is important, especially for those with children and toddlers, to have approved designs that are secure for your family. An extra measure some homeowners opt for is babyproofing of windows and choosing staircases with less intricate designs. While a spiral staircase may look cool and interesting, sometimes a straight staircase with proper railing is the better option.


The average cost of a Loft Conversion in Wivenhoe is between £40,000 to £90,000. (in 2022) The most common type of Loft Conversion is the dormer as it adds the most space and best light to your property. A loft conversion will not only give you extra space but also enhance your living space on your property. A loft conversion price depends on many factors such as type of the conversion, type of the roof you have, type of the lighting you want in the loft, the type of windows required, the size of the project, fixtures and fittings, nature of the exterior, client's personal requirements and the site's location. If you want to know the exact cost of your Loft Conversion in Wivenhoe, you will need to book a site survey or send us your drawings and our loft specialist will review them and get back to you with a quotation.

What can we do for your Property in Wivenhoe?

If you would like to discuss the ways in which a Loft Conversion could enhance your Wivenhoe home, call us on 0208 1020 675 or email to ask us any questions. For a free site survey and design consultation please fill out the form on the right and our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.