Do I need Planning Permission for a Loft Conversion?

Whether or not you need planning permission for a loft conversion depends on the type of conversion and where it is being carried out. If you are carrying out a simple loft conversion without a roof extension, you will probably not need to apply for planning permission. However, if you are considering extending the roof or converting the space into an additional room, you should apply for planning permission.

Getting planning permission

Getting planning permission for a loft conversion is not always easy. There are a number of rules that must be followed. It can take months to obtain approval. This is especially important if you are planning to sell your home in the future.

If you're unsure about whether or not you need planning permission for your loft conversion, you should ask experts from Loft Conversion Company. You should also check with your neighbors, who may be able to give you more information. You can find more information about permitted development rights at the Planning Portal, or in government guidance.

Most loft conversions are considered permitted development, but there are certain restrictions that apply. For example, a loft conversion can't extend beyond the highest point of the roof, nor can it have more space than the volume allowance for the building. In addition, you can't have raised platforms, balconies or verandahs.

If you need planning permission for your loft conversion, it can take up to eight weeks. You can apply online via the ePlanning website. The process can also be speeded up by using the building notice application. This allows you to avoid detailed drawings, and instead focus on getting an accurate quote for the work.

In most cases, a loft conversion is considered permitted development, but you may need to obtain planning permission if you want to enlarge the roof space. You may also be required to submit a party wall notice, or make a party wall agreement with your neighbours. 

You can also get your plans approved if you have listed buildings or if you're in a conservation area.